Shelbie Kile, Marshall, is the new student trustee to the Lake Land College Board of Trustees. Photo submitted by Lake Land College.
For Immediate Release
Shelbie Kile elected new Lake Land College Student Trustee
Shelbie Kile, Marshall, is the new student trustee to the Lake Land College Board of Trustees. The student body elected Kile to replace Tessa Philpot, St. Elmo, whose term expired in early April.
As a trustee, Kile hopes to encourage fellow students to become more active in campus activities and student life overall.
“I’m excited to heighten the involvement of students, especially when it comes to voting. Our numbers were down by almost 100 students from the previous year. I’m ready to help in increasing that number,” Kile said.
Serving as the Lake Land College student trustee had been on Kile’s mind since her first semester at Lake Land and with the support of friends and classmates, she felt confident to pursue the position.
“I had talked with former student trustees Tessa Philpot and CJ Meeker about my interest in serving on the board and they both believed that I would be a good fit. They were very encouraging,” Kile said.
Kile is the current vice president of the Student Government Association (SGA) and spends much of her time managing Hibbett Sports in Mattoon.
As the Lake Land College Student Trustee, Kile’s duties include serving a one-year term that begins April 15. She has all the privileges of a trustee including an advisory vote and the ability to make and second motions and attend executive sessions.
Kile is a 2018 graduate of Marshall High School and is the daughter of Ed and Dira Kile.