Photo Credit: Congresswoman Mary Miller, Illinois 15th Congressional District.
For Immediate Release – April 26, 2021
Congresswoman Miller Issues a Statement of Support for Effingham County’s Second Amendment Preservation Act
WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Mary Miller (IL-15) issued a statement of support for the Effingham County Board’s decision to adopt the “Effingham County, Illinois Second Amendment Preservation Act 2021.”
The Preservation Act invalidates any new law infringing the right to keep and bear arms.
“I applaud the Effingham County Board for their bold action in defending our Constitutional right to bear arms. Effingham County is the first county in Illinois to enact a Second Amendment Preservation Act,” Miller said. “Our rights and liberties matter. If we allow Joe Biden and the Democrats to undermine the Second Amendment, we open the door for the radical Left to come after other freedoms such as the right of free assembly and the protections we have against unlawful searches and seizures. If we do not stand up for our Constitutional rights, we will lose them.
The Effingham County Board understands what is at stake in the fight to preserve the Second Amendment and it is my hope other counties will follow their lead.”